"Margaret: Book #3 in the House of Donato Series"

by Patricia M Jackson

An exciting new city. Wanton success. A nefarious criminal enterprise.
A new-adult contemporary romantic suspense novel
# Romance
# Suspense
# Contemporary
# Detective
# Steamy
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Peggy, a gifted pianist, building a future at Julliard, finds herself roommates with Brian Donovan. He was only doing her a favor, too occupied with law school and working for the FBI to notice she was around. At least he was kind enough to explore Manhattan together. Donovan has no interest in a relationship with the luscious and exotic Peggy, convinced that there is no place in a cop’s life for a family. When a hot case causes disharmony, they end up playing a different tune. Do they have what it takes to guard their new love against harm? Margaret is the culmination of a new adult romance series, “The House of Donato.” This pleasantly paced tale filled with real-world conflict, ripped from the headlines, skillfully interweaves suspense and passion into a story three books in the making. Enjoy this sensitive love story today.